"The fastest and most affordable way to raise your credit score & live the lifestyle you want right now"
Boost your credit scores within 45 - 60 Days
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Any time you apply for some form of credit or a loan, someone is checking your credit report. And if you have a low credit score, it's game over. You won't get approved.
The good news is that, yes, you CAN increase your credit score - plus it's not hard, and it won't cost you a fortune. How do I know? Because I've been helping people fix their credit for years. I help people achieve their financial goals that allow them to live the life they've always wanted, and to live the life they deserve.
So listen carefully, because I'm going to tell you EXACTLY what to do to raise your credit in the quickest, most efficient, and affordable way possible.
Removing Negative Items Is The Fastest Way To Raise Your Credit
The two most common negative items on your credit report that hurts your score are collections and inquiries.
First let's talk about inquiries. These are what show up on your credit report every time you apply for credit. Inquiries will remain on your credit report for up to 2 years, and can lower your score by 3-7 points per inquiry. Plus, if you have too many inquiries on your credit report within the last 6 months (like more than 5-6), this alone could get you denied for loans, credit cards, mortgages, etc.
Now onto collections. These show up on your credit report once you've failed to make payments on an account for more than 6 months. Once you've stopped paying, the creditor notifies the credit bureaus and sells your debt to a debt collector. Not only do collections drastically lower your credit score, but even a single collection could stop you from getting approved for credit.
How Much Are Negative Items Hurting My Credit Score?
Every inquiry on your credit report can lower your score by up to 3-7 points, which can add up fast. For example, if you have 5 to 10 inquiries on your report right now - you could be losing out on 35 to 70 points from your credit score.
Collections are even worse. A single collection could lower your score by up to 50 to 100 points, and if you have multiple collections then you could be losing out on HUNDREDS of points from your credit score.
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